Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What Makes an Excellent Customer Service?

                As you grow or start your own business, customer service will always play a vital role for your success. It’s not just about pakikisama. Customer will always expect the exceptional service from you even if they don’t say so.

                When I was still in the BPO industry (what most call Call Center), we were given excellent training to provide the best customer service that we can give. Since I was still an employee back then, I never recognized the importance of it. I just did what they want me to do. I didn’t know my actions were one of the many roots of the company’s success. 

                I learned the importance of L.A.E.G (more of this later) but never really understood what it did for the business. All I know was that it is good for the customer.

                Somewhat I’m correct about my latter statement.

                It is true that it is good for the customer, but, what benefits most is really the business.

                What an irony, right? You give the best service expecting that greater benefit goes to the one you are giving the service but the truth is the greatest benefit goes to the one giving it. 

                It is always in giving, not in receiving.

                L.A.E.G. simply means L (Listen), A (Apologize), E (Emphatize), and G (Give solution). Pretty simple, right? Yet, this is the key for most business success. It’s not just about cashflow. First of all, there will be no cash flowing in if you don’t give an excellent customer service.

Yes, We Deliver! (Even your smallest order)

                What you can see above is a picture of the product we sell. I am a feed distributor and also an advocate of natural farming. Aside from pushing natural farming, I am also obsess about giving the best customer service to my customers.

                Unfortunately today, there is a heavy rain and customers don’t have the guts (perhaps they’re just lazy. Don’t tell them I told you) to go to the store. Maybe they don’t want to get wet. Some stores will not do this. If I was wrong with that statement, let me correct it. Most of the stores will not do this even to their suki unless they buy a large amount that will cover the transportation expense. In this picture, we have prepared a 15 kilo Pre-Starter bag (for piglets) and a 5 kilo Grower bag (for adult pigs) and is ready for delivery. 

                Our motto is Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen and hopefully in delivering such a small order for free will be a role model for my customers in case they also want to create their businesses. It’s not just about earning money. It’s all about the connection and relationship with your customers. 

AGREECulture and FeedPro Seminar at Country Inn

                I would like to pass to you what I learned from a successful entrepreneur and speaker.

                Make meaning first then the money will follow. If you go the other way, I’m afraid you will never earn money.

                Take courage and do what everyone are afraid to do.

                See you at the top of your business!

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