Thursday, September 17, 2015

TIP #3: The Best and Effective Way of Feeding your Pigs

               Okay, I’ll be a bit bias in this one because you cannot do the best feeding method without using the product that we sell. I know you’re asking why. Don’t worry, I’ll answer your question later.
                First, let’s discuss the different ways of feeding. We have dry feeding and wet feeding. These two kinds of feeding are widely known and are considered to be conventional. Dry feeding is when you just feed the pellet after opening the sack (that means you don’t do anything on the feeds) and feed it as it is. This is fine. Second, we have the wet feeding. This is when you add a twist (wow) on dry feeding system. This is also fine. I call the raisers doing this as chefs because they know how to add value to the feeds. They make their own recipe. 

                So how do you do wet feeding? It’s simple. You just put some water on the feeds. What an easy job, right?

                Did I mention that wet feeding is the best method of feeding? I guess not.

                We still have another feeding method which is the best and really effective but only few know this method (unfortunately). This is why I said I will be bias on this method. It’s not because I’m the one who invented this method (impossible for me) but because only the product that we sell can use this kind of feeding. Okay, I know you already want to know what method it is. 

                The best method is fermentation. The reason why you cannot use this on other brands is because this only caters to products without antibiotics and are natural. This is for products with probiotics as its sole base and not just an add-on of probiotics. FeedPro (oops! I mentioned our product) is a natural feed and you can surely use fermentation with its feeds.
Courtesy to the uploader

                If you’re familiar with Yakult, then I assume you already know that the effect of Yakult in a human body is the same with the effect of FeedPro in a pig’s body. This means they are healthier, faster growth performance is assured, and consumption of medicines and vitamins is lesser in your farm. 

Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen

TIP #2: Piglet Feeding and Nutrition

                After weaning, nutrition should be the main priority for the piglet. It is during this time that hogs acquire either a good or a bad foundation which leads to low, breakeven, or high yield earnings.
Three weeks old piglets fed by Booster.
                Just like any other young animals, piglets also need proper feeding. Sows should be reliable to produce more milk for her piglets. Nutrition after weaning will become full responsibility of the raiser.

                There are many raisers who disregard this fact. They cling to the myth that if they lessen the feed consumption (booster and pre - starter), they will earn more. The truth is exactly the opposite. The more you lessen the nutrition of your pigs (not just feed consumption), the more you are delaying your harvest, the more you are increasing your expenses, and the less your farm profitability becomes.

                Booster and pre – starter should not be disregarded when caring for pigs. If you discover the wonders of a great foundation, abundance will be continuously flowing into your balance sheet.

Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen