Sunday, August 30, 2015


                I started my business without any experience. During my startup, I faced plenty of challenges that I thought would end my passion. I almost thought it’s impossible to solve those problems. Then, one thing flashed back on my mind – the reason why I started my business.

                As an entrepreneur, you are bound to face those challenges. Some will be easy to solve, average, and many will be very difficult. Take courage! For these challenges will be your core. If you weren’t destroyed, you’ll be changed by these challenges. You’ll become a new entrepreneur – a better one.

                There are many factors that need to be considered when starting a business. Cashflow is the biggest concern. For those who are already great in managing their cashflows, gaining new customers might also be a problem but this can be solve by a great marketing strategy. 

                In my case, losing customers is harder than creating new ones. Until this time, I find it harder than managing my business’ cashflow. 

                You need to be the best for your customers. I know that nothing is perfect but to survive in the harsh world of business, you need to aim for perfection. Don’t become average. 

                So, how do you win back your customers? 

                The answer is simple, be true to yourself! You need to be true to your business’ mission and most importantly, you need to be a real brand. Being a real brand does not require you to be big before you can have it. It will be your leverage to becoming BIG!

                What I do is I always follow up on my customers even if they already transferred to the other stores. I make them feel they’re important but I don’t let them control the deal. If it’s my fault, it’s not hard for me to apologize. 

                Remember, an apology is just a wasted word if you don’t improve your product and service. Like I said, always aim for perfection!

                Another question: How can you have more customers when you lose some?

                There’s really no secret in this one. All you need to do is to understand the system. When a customer leaves you, make a follow up, realize what went wrong, make it right, then, execute what you have learned among your existing customers and prospects.

                Things will always get tough and people will always be on your way. Take courage. As the saying goes, only the crazy ones are crazy enough to change the world. Don’t mind what they say. Worry about what you say to yourself and not on what they say about you.

Take courage in pursuing your dreams.

Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen