Sunday, May 29, 2016

Frogs: To Eat or Not To Eat?


                   Every now and then our great friends, bosses, and workmates may invite us to chill out. To men, we call this "boys' nights". During these occasions, we drink, check one another's life, drink again, listen to one another's stories, drink again, make fun to our friends, drink again,tell stories again, and so on.

                   I think these scenes are normal to every boys. But sometimes (I mean often, not just sometimes), we guys are in for more "creativity" (creativity is the word we often use but what we really mean is craziness).

                   I happen to have the opportunity to drink to some of my bosses last week after we conducted a meeting and a seminar (just for the bosses to have reports to the company that they are working) in one of the provinces that we're assigned. We began drinking during the afternoon and I didn't expect what we did later on that night - this had become one of my nights to remember.

                   I've been hearing stories of people eating insects, frogs, and rats. This has become normal to me since almost everyone are saying it tastes good. Sometimes they even say frogs taste like chicken. I often joke around to the person saying that frogs taste like chicken that if frogs do taste like chicken, why bother hunting frogs around when you can just buy chickens. After all, they taste the same, right? I'm just kidding.

                   Going back to my story, that night, we spent most of our time hunting bull frogs (not really sure if they're bull frogs), taking pictures, and preparing the ingredients to our main dish.

                   When every ingredients are gathered (more of when we already have so many frogs on our "kaserola" caserole), one of my bosses, whom I referred to our Master Chef began cleaning the frogs. After the frogs have been cleaned, he sauteed some onions, garlic, and ginger. Some of you by now can already imagine how good the smell of sauteed onions and garlic, right? Wait till you smell sauteed frogs too!

                  I thought at first that I may be able to eat these little creatures and taste it's juicy contents since I am already a little bit drunk. I told myself that I'm already man enough to taste the wild and I was easily convinced by my colleagues that frogs do really taste good.

                 I'm ready to eat the frogs!

                 That's what I thought. Until suddenly, seconds after the finished product (finished frogduct) have been served, I found myself staring at the whole, dead, a little bit gross, frogs and almost lost my stomach. I really cannot eat these animals! I rather drink the whole bottle of alcohol than to chew these juicy animals.

                 Bottom line: Next time you're serving exotic dishes, make sure that the persons that will be eating your dish is overly sober or if not, at least make them look appealing to their mouth.

                 How about you? What exotic meals have you encountered already? Were you able to eat them or not? Why? I'll be happy to read your exotic stories too!

                 Cheers to more exotic things in life!