Sunday, August 30, 2015


                I started my business without any experience. During my startup, I faced plenty of challenges that I thought would end my passion. I almost thought it’s impossible to solve those problems. Then, one thing flashed back on my mind – the reason why I started my business.

                As an entrepreneur, you are bound to face those challenges. Some will be easy to solve, average, and many will be very difficult. Take courage! For these challenges will be your core. If you weren’t destroyed, you’ll be changed by these challenges. You’ll become a new entrepreneur – a better one.

                There are many factors that need to be considered when starting a business. Cashflow is the biggest concern. For those who are already great in managing their cashflows, gaining new customers might also be a problem but this can be solve by a great marketing strategy. 

                In my case, losing customers is harder than creating new ones. Until this time, I find it harder than managing my business’ cashflow. 

                You need to be the best for your customers. I know that nothing is perfect but to survive in the harsh world of business, you need to aim for perfection. Don’t become average. 

                So, how do you win back your customers? 

                The answer is simple, be true to yourself! You need to be true to your business’ mission and most importantly, you need to be a real brand. Being a real brand does not require you to be big before you can have it. It will be your leverage to becoming BIG!

                What I do is I always follow up on my customers even if they already transferred to the other stores. I make them feel they’re important but I don’t let them control the deal. If it’s my fault, it’s not hard for me to apologize. 

                Remember, an apology is just a wasted word if you don’t improve your product and service. Like I said, always aim for perfection!

                Another question: How can you have more customers when you lose some?

                There’s really no secret in this one. All you need to do is to understand the system. When a customer leaves you, make a follow up, realize what went wrong, make it right, then, execute what you have learned among your existing customers and prospects.

                Things will always get tough and people will always be on your way. Take courage. As the saying goes, only the crazy ones are crazy enough to change the world. Don’t mind what they say. Worry about what you say to yourself and not on what they say about you.

Take courage in pursuing your dreams.

Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Root of Natural Hog Raising in Santa Cruz, Zambales

Note: There are no affiliate links in this article. 
           If you wish to create a business/invest in hog raising or any other related businesses in Santa Cruz, Zambales and want to partner with us, you may reach us in and

          Whenever we conduct seminars, there's always a person who will say "Wala po akong malaking pera sir para magbabuyan", "Sir, I don't have the capital to start a piggery". It seems that the lack of capital has become the major problem in starting their own babuyan.

          It's true at some point. BUT THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT REASON.

          While it's true that money is important in any business, it's not what you need to start your own. Don't get me wrong, I'm a capitalist person - I capitalize on my plans, not on money.

AGREECULTURE Store - Iglesias St., Poblacion North, Sta. Cruz, Zambales

          I started AGREECulture (that's the name of my business) without a single peso on my pocket through capitalization on my business plans. Fortunately for me, I was lucky enough to find an investor (who eventually became my business partner) on my first pitch.

         That was when Natural Hog Raising was born in our town. We knew it's the beginning of change. It's our time now to kick the butts of nonsense feed resellers who don't care if they sell antibiotics or not. For them, it's all about the moneeey. :)

         Let me get this straight - you don't need to have piles of money to start your own piggery. Just start on the number of pigs you can raise whether it's small, medium, or large scale. The most important thing is you have a plan that you know you can stick to and get the feel of it. If raising a pig discourages you in small scale, atleast you don't need to sacrifice more money by starting BIG just to know that you're not into hog raising.
P.I.G.S. - Profitable Innovative Growing System

         We promote the indigenous (the use of rice hull/ipa, wallowing pond, bamboos, and any item that will come useful to build your pig pen at low cost or no cost at all!) kind of pig housing to lessen the cost of building and avoid hustle over the long term but we're also fine with the traditional or cemented housings. But it's a fact that using the indigenous system has more benefits than the traditional though.

          Raisers have a lot to say about our claim "Babuyang Walang Amoy". Our response will always be try our feeds first then tell us we're assholes. Of course there will always be an odor. Tae yan, ano ka ba? May tae bang walang amoy? But our existing users can support our claim, there is really a large difference in odor and growth of the pig compared to other feeds.

         AGREECulture is a business and will always be. That means we also profit from all our sales. But, the differences we give compared to our competitors are vast. For us, it's always the customer experience that matters.

         As the owner of AGREECulture, my responsibility is to ensure that healthy meat will be produced in Santa Cruz, Zambales as soon as possible. You can also count that we will do the best that we can to make your piggery a profitable business and not just any bullshit that other feed sellers in our town is talking about. We don't base our business on credits because generally, our main priority is the quality of the meat every raiser is producing and selling only comes second.

         Again, if in any case you might get interested in natural hog raising where you can just sit and relax knowing that your pigs are healthy and growing fast, contacting us is an excellent choice.

         AGREECulture is located at Iglesias st., Poblacion North, Santa Cruz, Zambales (that's the one way or the other street at the back of the Victory Liner going to the plaza if you are coming from Pagatpat, Bulawon, or Pangasinan).

        We appreciate your interest in natural hog raising and hope that this will be the beginning of our journey in the same advocacy.


Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Rise of Natural Hog Farming in Sta. Cruz, Zambales

Note: This blog is intended for everyone especially the people of Sta. Cruz but we'll not use a local language. In cases that a person wants to rewrite this article in Zambal, you may reach me in my email address.
          There is no affiliate links included in this article so feel comfortable reading since what you're about to read is purely non-profit. If in any case you might get interested in Natural Hog farming using our method and want to grow with us or start a business/invest in Sta. Cruz, you may reach me at my email address and

          Being an advocate in a specific field is indeed a challenge. First of all, you need to deal with different kinds of people. There are people who are easy to get with, hard to get with, and neutral. As an advocate of natural hog farming, I find it easy to believe that people will and can sacrifice the quality of their harvest in hopes that they will earn more through being cheap. This is so true to small hog raisers.

          By the way, I'm a feed distributor of natural feeds in Sta. Cruz, Zambales and I can say that I'm enjoying all the hardships that I have dealt with in this kind of business. Unfortunately for me during the startup period of my business, there were already giant and establish businesses who are selling much more popular brands than what I'm carrying now. They've already brainwashed the minds of the local people that putting up a piggery based on credits is a good thing. For me, that's the beginning of sacrificing the quality over the possibility of earning more.

          Lucky for me, I've partnered with the best people in town and in business. We knew that natural hog raising is right (for me it's noble) and perhaps even great. AN ADVOCACY FOR SOMETHING BENEFICIAL FOR EVERYBODY IS AN ADVOCACY WORTH FIGHTING FOR. The pork meat and hog raising industry in our town needs to be changed or else it's the people who will suffer. Can you imagine eating antibiotics for the rest of your lives?

AGREECulture Seminar: Tama at Mas Kumikitang Paraan ng Pagbababuyan in Malabago

          We've conducted seminars since the beginning and we want to conduct more. Information dissemination is also a factor to consider. Each seminar is a success and it never failed to be an eye opener for the attendees. Just to see them react on the fact that they're eating antibiotics in a pork meat because of the feeds they are feeding their pigs is a good sign. We're happy to see that. Atleast we've now implanted on their minds the disadvantages of their kinds of hog raising. Others, let's just they remain skeptical.

          Hog raising in Sta. Cruz, Zambales is now changing for good and I'm proud to say that my business initiated that. We still have a long long way to travel to reach our destination but a slight improvement will always trigger a big difference. I know I might wait on years to see a public market without meats produced by feeds with antibiotics. I might wait even decades. I don't care about the waiting, time will pass anyway.

          I know we're not the only persons who want to promote probiotics as the base of a pig's feed.
          I know we're not the only ones who want natural hog farming.
          Join us in this stressful, exciting journey towards a better hog raising industry and together let's beat the wrong traditional way.

 P.S, The name of our store is AGREECulture: A GREEN CULTURE and you can find us in Iglesias St., Poblacion North, Sta. Cruz, Zambales (one way at the back of the street behind Victory Liner). We provide free technical services (vitamins, iron, etc.) to ensure the quality of the meat. If you're worried about the price, we are second in giving the cheapest feed price in town. The first in the price ranking doesn't have any quality though. :)

         For those who want to know the brand of feed we are selling in our store, click the link below to watch the corporate video. It's surely informative.

         Click here to watch.

Turning Hog Raisers Into Businessmen